Tragedy Strikes!

So I'm playing catch up as this occurred quite some time ago.

February 23, 2018: I left work to head to my lunch time college courses at an anonymous campus. It was yucky outside. Foggy and wet and cold. Of course I had to park a good quarter mile away from the building because there is never parking available even when you pay good money for a parking pass...and what campus has expectant mother parking? Wishful thinking haha!

I make the long walk to class in the cold and I'm walking as fast as my then 17 week pregnant body could move without wanting to pee my pants. Next thing I know I'm flipped upside down (LITERALLY) and I slam down on the pavement on my back. I watch my Yetti coffee mug roll down a rain gutter and my notebook full of assignments flies out of my hand and papers are instantly soaked on the damp pavement.

It feels as though my arm has been ripped off so I reach over to make sure its still there. My ears are ringing and I clearly had lost my breath. I open my eyes and there is a man standing over me telling me I'm going to be okay. I look to my left and instantly realize I was just hit by a vehicle. I realize the guy helping me out is the one that hit me. I feel immense pain and I'm shivering cold. Clearly I'm going into shock. Then it hits me! OH SHIT! I'M PREGNANT AND I WAS JUST HIT BY A CAR! so I say to the guy. "Why did you hit me? I'm pregnant!!! Please call 911. Please make sure my baby is okay". As reality sets in and I get colder I realize I'm in an immense amount of pain. My left arm is throbbing and my back is killing me. My hips hurt, my stomach hurts and I can't feel baby moving. My heart is racing. A witness picks up my phone and my best friend was on the line. I told him to tell her to call my boyfriend and my father. She did so.

EMS and Firefighters show up. Assess me on the scene, my vitals are surprisingly great! They comment on how well I'm doing keeping it together. Of course I have tears barreling down my face. Before I know it I'm surrounded by emergency personnel and one of them is telling my father to meet me at the hospital. I get put in the ambulance and rushed to the closest large trauma center.

When I get in the room its surprisingly warm! "Thank God!" I'm moved over from the gurney to the hospital bed and my clothes are cut off of me. All I remember thinking is "OMG I'm naked in a room full of people!" and "Damn I wish they wouldn't have cut that expensive Victoria Secret bra and all those expensive maternity clothes!"

The first doctor comes in and he's very assertive. He tells me I need an x-ray of my shoulder which is already black and blue and he wants an x-ray of my lower back. I told him I couldn't do the low back one because I was pregnant. He didn't care about my unborn baby. To him, I was his patient and the one he could definitely save. He wanted to make sure I wasn't paralyzed. Him and I had some words about this x-ray and he got pissed and said "Fine, don't get the x-ray! It's your choice!" The x-ray technician gave me a glance and nod of approval to let me know I had made the right choice.

Next an OB-GYN comes in. He is way nicer. He orders the longest ultrasound I have ever had. I mean they checked any and everything on that ultrasound. I was already on IV fluids so naturally I had to pee soooooo bad and I was still awaiting this ultrasound to be done. The tech finally finished and the nurse came in. I told her I was about to pee all over and she said I was not allowed to walk to the bathroom. The mean doctor came in and made a rude comment. So I got up and walked my happy ass down to the bathroom. I was relieved to see my legs worked and I was not in fact paralyzed. It hurt like hell to move period...but I knew since I could do it that these wounds and injuries weren't as bad as I suspected. I took a major sigh of relief.

About an hour later they finally allowed my father and my boyfriend to come back and see me. I managed to get a gown on and cover myself up so that it wasn't awkward for my dad. I begged and begged to be released and the mean doctor reluctantly allowed me to go home that day. When I got home I took the pain meds they gave me and went straight to bed. The recovery was weeks and weeks but each day I felt stronger and the pain was a little less. I watched bruises turn different colors and eventually fade and my baby boy was perfectly fine. Or so we were assured. It wasn't until later that we would get an indication of trauma he actually endured from the accident. 


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