VACCINES...The HUGE debate

During flu season it is no surprise the talk about whether or not to vaccinate your child is a HUGE topic. We live in a technically advanced world where stories and lies travel faster than they were ever able to in the history of humankind. There are so many things out there telling you not to vaccinate because of all the things in these shots, or how many a child gets at a time and on the flip side there are so many things out there claiming all the aforementioned are simply hype, propaganda and lies. So how do you know what the right decision is.

I'll break down the pro vaccine side which I understand a bit more:
The diseases we are vaccinating against are dangerous and horrible. Polio paralyzes children sometimes from the neck down and can even paralyze their diaphragm. Polio is making a strong come back due to the amount of people refusing to vaccinate and the influx of immigration during the Obama administration. Then we have Measles, Mumps and Rubella...the MMR vaccine prevents these all with one shot. The other nasty ones are Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis which are all fatal pediatric diseases. So dangerous and fatal they actually recommend pregnant mothers get a titer or booster while pregnant to provide extra immunity for newborns before they are old enough to receive their first set of vaccines. Now, they have also created all sorts of other vaccines since those major ones to include chickenpox which I find a bit silly. We were all brought to Pox parties to contract it intentionally during the summer so it wouldn't keep us out of school. Now they say that was a bad idea. OOPS! we are all still alive. So I may just not be educated enough on this one. Then there is the new Pneumonia and Meningococcal vaccines. These are very important as I remember almost losing one of my brothers as a child due to bacterial meningitis! My own daughter has had double pneumonia before she was old enough for the vaccine. It was terrifying...if you can...try to imagine giving your 9 month old baby CPR while you also talk to the dispatcher and try to get an ambulance to your house that takes the longest 4 minutes of your life. That was my experience. That being said...I find all these vaccines to be extremely important defenses for my child. The flu vaccine is hit or miss...sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. My daughter and I get it every year and neither of us have had the flu...KNOCK ON WOOD.

Now the anti vaccine side (I know less about this):
There is proof from the doctors that create these things that there are some nasty stuff inside them. Things like heavy metals and carcinogens such as those found in poisons and even cigarettes. Scary huh? Yeah! I think so too. There are also such thing as vaccine injuries where people have suffered horrendous consequences from the vaccines they are given, both adults and children. These are quite devastating. There are even people that believe vaccines are some sort of government conspiracy to control your mind haha that one is far fetch but I found it interesting.

So in conclusion; it's your choice! Chose what you feel is best for your child and don't knock someone that chooses different than you. We don't need to do that to each other. Support your fellow moms in all their decisions because we are all just winging it right. I vaccinate my child and we have had one scary hospital visit due to RSV and double pneumonia. I am terrified of the flu killing my child so I blindly vaccinate her every season in hopes of protection and she has never suffered any adverse effects from any vaccine ever...other than the amount they give poor little babies all at one time. I don't see an issue with them ingesting things when they will probably try weed or other things at some point that are far more dangerous. Just my take on it. Make and informed decision and be happy with yours regardless of what the rest of the world thinks!


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