
Showing posts from February, 2018

VACCINES...The HUGE debate

During flu season it is no surprise the talk about whether or not to vaccinate your child is a HUGE topic. We live in a technically advanced world where stories and lies travel faster than they were ever able to in the history of humankind. There are so many things out there telling you not to vaccinate because of all the things in these shots, or how many a child gets at a time and on the flip side there are so many things out there claiming all the aforementioned are simply hype, propaganda and lies. So how do you know what the right decision is. I'll break down the pro vaccine side which I understand a bit more: The diseases we are vaccinating against are dangerous and horrible. Polio paralyzes children sometimes from the neck down and can even paralyze their diaphragm. Polio is making a strong come back due to the amount of people refusing to vaccinate and the influx of immigration during the Obama administration. Then we have Measles, Mumps and Rubella...the MMR vaccine pr...