What is a Mom-Prenuer? You may have heard this term before. I'm definitely not the first to use it. You know those ladies that are ranting and raving about staying home with there kids? The ones that are likely spamming your social media inbox with the infamous "Buy this from me and help make me wealthy" messages! Those that are constantly posting about how their business has provided them with the ability to stay home with their offspring. We have all seen them! We are all friends with them! We all get annoyed by I right? But what exactly is a mom-prenuer? She is someone that has seen a vision of some sort on how she can stay home and raise her kids while still providing for her family to some extent. She may not be an instagram model or the most popular kid in school but she has a heart of gold. She may not always be put together or displaying the newest Louis Vuitton bag. You have probably even judge her and said things like "If she's...