TRAGEDY Round 3 at 28 weeks pregnant
I spent a grueling 8 days in the hospital. I begged the doctor to send me home. All I could think was, "My daughter is leaving to be with her dad for the summer in a matter of weeks and I'm not getting any time with her!" My heart was full of guilt and my mind was frustrated with trying to determine a way to go home. The bleeding had stopped! What was the issue? I can sit at home and do nothing and at least be with my family and not alone! Finally on day 8, against my boyfriend's wishes, my doctor said "I'll let you go home; but, you will be back. I don't know how long it will take you to come back but you will bleed again. You can do everything perfectly right and you will still be back." I accepted that ominous premonition. I didn't care! At least I would get some time at home with my family and my daughter before she left for the summer. While I was in the hospital my boyfriend had hired movers and got us all moved into our new home. I ...