
Why Me?

All too often we see those influencers on social media that appear to live the perfect life. They always seem happy. They create this false sense of hope for the rest of the world that this level of happiness is actually obtainable. Not to say that true happiness is farfetched by any means, and this blog post isn’t one big rant tearing down happy folks by any means. It’s the exact opposite actually. More of a reality check. I want to walk you through my reality, as I’m one of those people that I believe puts on a rather happy front to my followers. Not as a façade or by any malicious intent, but because nobody likes to follow a negative Nancy right? People are drawn to positivity! So the purpose of this post is to show you all that although you’re following seemingly positive people, remember; they are still human and you should hold them to the same human standards you hold yourself to rather than trying to elevate yourself to an impossible standard that is the pedestal you have put t...


Okay, so we all know that the holidays help us to pack on the pounds. Everyone wants to enjoy that delicious food and we all say, "I'll get back to it after the new year!" I was one of those people. My baby is just shy of 6 months old and I put on a whopping 70 lbs!!! YES 70! I know its a lot. I'm not proud but I'm working to get it off. So I'm going to be completely honest with you all as you follow me on this journey. Why? Because, I hope by my integrity it will encourage you to be honest with yourself and those around you. You see, weight is just a number and we all have an idea of what it should be. Now my ideal weight is based off of how I feel (as in joints, breathing, sleeping, GI stress, etc.) not how I look. I'm not one to preach on body image. I'm currently at my heaviest after having my baby and I'm still okay with how I look! I'm not okay with the fact that my entire wardrobe doesn't fit or that my stomach is always on edge...


WHAT IS AN AMAZON REVIEWER? Often I have people come up and say they love the shirt I have on or ask me where I got that cool new gadget. They are almost always astounded when I tell them I got it for free! That's right I said "FREE"! Why do I get stuff for free? Because I'm an amazon reviewer!  One of those people that get sent free merchandise, products and gadgets to try and post an honest review. Most people that shop on amazon are looking at the "Star" rating to determine which product is best for their needs. I do it all the time. You look up headbands like this one  Boho Headband 4 Pack  and you will get over 60 options. How do you determine the one you want? You see how many stars it has on a 1-5 scale and then you read the reviews.  It should be no surprise that there are incentives for writing honest product reviews. The sellers on Amazon understand that this is how most of the consumers shop. So they need something to set the...


What is a Mom-Prenuer? You may have heard this term before. I'm definitely not the first to use it. You know those ladies that are ranting and raving about staying home with there kids? The ones that are likely spamming your social media inbox with the infamous "Buy this from me and help make me wealthy" messages! Those that are constantly posting about how their business has provided them with the ability to stay home with their offspring. We have all seen them! We are all friends with them! We all get annoyed by I right?  But what exactly is a mom-prenuer? She is someone that has seen a vision of some sort on how she can stay home and raise her kids while still providing for her family to some extent. She may not be an instagram model or the most popular kid in school but she has a heart of gold. She may not always be put together or displaying the newest Louis Vuitton bag. You have probably even judge her and said things like "If she's...

Postpartum :Breastfeeding Struggles

So with my first child, who is now 4 (almost 5), I was extremely hard on myself when it came to breastfeeding. I wanted it so bad and every set back led me closer and closer to feelings of failure and depression. We dealt with a tongue tie, an improper latch, low supply and thrush! If that isn't the worst nightmare ever, I don't know what is. But some how, we made it through it all and I was able to successfully breastfeed her for 8 months. I was extremely proud of myself for this. No, I didn't go to my 1 year goal but I was proud of myself for sticking it out during what seemed like some of the hardest weeks of my parenting life. Fast forward to now and I have a 2 month old baby boy. I told myself this entire pregnancy that I was going to breastfeed him for a whole year. I thought to myself, "there is absolutely no way I will struggle like I did with my daughter because that simply just cannot happen to a person twice." I did caution my boyfriend to mind...

Banana Chocolate Chip Lactation Pancakes!!!!

I like my pancakes in the morning and I searched high and low for a yummy delicious pancake recipe that was low on the glycemic index (I am trying to lose that post baby weight) and would also help with lactation. I wasn't having any issues but this definitely help secure a nice strong milk supply early on. They are super easy to make and down right delicious! BONUS: They are also gluten free!!! My hubby loves them and so does my 4 year old and they are also a great source of fiber and protein which many of us don't get enough of in our daily diets! Feel free to top them with fruit and whip cream or your syrup of choice. If you are trying to stay low on the glycemic index I recommend a good sugar free syrup. I prefer ..... if I'm using syrup or I just use .... which is more natural than table syrup anyway. Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes: Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 15 mins Serving size: 3 medium size pancakes Nutritional Value: Calories:_________________...

8 Tips For Enjoying Maternity Leave

Any woman who has ever been pregnant looks forward to the day her baby will arrive. They even more so look forward to maternity leave where they can kick their feet up and collect on the long awaited baby snuggles, the quiet house, the infinite rest, all the free time to catch up on DIY projects and Netflix shows, or maybe even read the books you have been using as decoration. Am I right or am I right? HAHAHAHA That's a fantasy! If you have ever had a child and stayed home on maternity leave you may be laughing to yourself at the very thought of it being anything like a vacation. From crying babies and dirty diapers to sleepless nights and minimal time for proper self hygiene, you know its more like a job that never ends. That being said, I can definitely say I do not envy a single SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) out there. You ladies are the real MVP. But, with all that said, it can still be enjoyable. These are some things I found to be helpful during maternity leave and helped mainta...