Why Me?
All too often we see those influencers on social media that appear to live the perfect life. They always seem happy. They create this false sense of hope for the rest of the world that this level of happiness is actually obtainable. Not to say that true happiness is farfetched by any means, and this blog post isn’t one big rant tearing down happy folks by any means. It’s the exact opposite actually. More of a reality check. I want to walk you through my reality, as I’m one of those people that I believe puts on a rather happy front to my followers. Not as a façade or by any malicious intent, but because nobody likes to follow a negative Nancy right? People are drawn to positivity! So the purpose of this post is to show you all that although you’re following seemingly positive people, remember; they are still human and you should hold them to the same human standards you hold yourself to rather than trying to elevate yourself to an impossible standard that is the pedestal you have put t...